All about electric bike

 Electric bike

Basically, electric bicycles can be categorized into two broad categories, depending on the location engine. If engines are integrated into the wheel hub, often back centrally located motors are directly integrated into the frame construction in the crank gear.  engined bike hub motor located in the hub back place, this system is known as "direct drive" enjoys a propulsion unit stronger and faster, but does not produce very high torque. And adding considerable weight and high air resistance, their efficiency is much reduced compared to the potential that they have. One advantage is that you can recharge partially disengaged when and because they are almost completely silent sliding parts. There and back motor hubs that allow mounting a gear block and appear completely different from normal hubs. Higher torque offset lower speed, but a big minus is the lack of recharging option of walking and sliding parts contribute to significantly higher noise. The engine can be placed in the front wheel hub, a situation that leads to a feeling of "all-wheel drive" due to the fact that the rear wheel is driven by the action of the legs. Feeling concerned may appeal to some, while others are not so excited about it. However, the main advantage when the engine is part of the front wheel can say simple repairs and maintenance, because they do not enter into account complex drivetrain rear wheel. For motors in the hub back can lead to a higher power, mainly thanks to the fact that the draft framework can cope better with stress in the back than in the front, which leads to a lot of other development, adapting the acceleration, cadence and torque assist. Of course, remain as important details such as the complicated installation because drivetrain and shifting the center of gravity back, using these types of engines centered on the hub back, but generally are preferred because they feel no different too much from that of riding a conventional bicycle. Electric bicycles centrally located engine with the engine centrally located have a framework designed specifically to accommodate the engine crank shaft. This design carries the advantage that does not change anything in the bicycle drivetrain, allowing the continued use of all gears. Also, depending on the speed ratio used engine can adapt its contribution, reaching accurately specified level of assistance increased efficiency, unlike cylinder engines. More specifically, if the ascent of a hill, centrally located engine identifies reduction and increase speed and cadence bike automatically induced power, which a motor hub is not alone, requiring coordinated by the person riding. The center of gravity is nearly unchanged from this type of e-bike closest thing to conventional bike on the ride, but also in terms of balance and handling. Perhaps as important, the engine is located in the center of the frame and battery attached to one of the pipes triangle previous frame, the electrical components do not block access to mechanical components, making fixing the a power, changing the chain, regulatory exchangers or any other operation specifies a bike as easy to do as with mechanical models. However, one aspect to remember is that electric motors for bicycles are intended to assist pedaling, not to take the full load. If the engine works harder than expected, then the user can expect premature component wear. There would be an alternative in the form of conventional bicycle electric bicycle which has been fitted conversion, a procedure is very complicated. Currently on the market there are a large number of conversion kits that can materialize this transformation at different levels of power and budget support. However, using this solution, the result will be very similar to using an electric bike built specifically for this purpose. Conversion kits motor hub are probably the most common such sets. The series of operations includes replacement wheel forward or back with one that contains the engine and then connecting electrical circuits in the control panel and battery, which is located in most cases be the trunk back or in the media bottle. To this was added either a pedal sensor that is activated based on the cadence and the speed with which the pedal is either a system to maintain a constant predetermined speed and load of the user, regardless of the speed at which the cadence pedaling. There are also conversion kits mounted centrally, involving fitting power unit has provided a framework of building a special place for it. Hence the event that not all types and models of bikes can also host an institution and they offer these types of kits is less extensive than in the previous case. The wheels of the "all-in-one" come as a very suitable solution for the conversion of a conventional bicycle into an electric because the rear wheel houses the motor, battery and control. Such products have found their consecration in public as a result of projects materialized through crowdfunding (SuperPedestrian, FlyKly), mainly due to simplicity - apart from the wheel that houses the necessary bike have mounted a simple remote control. Appreciation enjoyed rely on that often have a marginal change bike and control options via smartphone, as well as other facilities such as self-locking to prevent theft, only increase the attractiveness enthusiasts gadgets. If we talk of disadvantages we must remember that uzitând new technologies and not widespread, maintenance and repair involves sending the item to the manufacturer for these operations. Finally, systems of "friction drive" and they made their place on stage bikes that helps to cycling. Motor unit is installed close to the rear wheel and a roller makes contact with it by putting it in motion. The only shortcoming is significantly less power compared to other systems. Vs. pedal assistance Beyond the constant power all types of electric bicycles, we can mention two engine modes - those who "assist you" (helps when cycling) pedal and providing the same amount of power regardless of conditions. ebike-test_veloteca pedal assistance This mode is often found as the pedelec for the engine comes into operation only after you start cycling. Triggering and its operation is subject to keeping moving the pedals, which can be fun, because you can reach speeds pedaling, but not entirely satisfied with their power leg. biciclete_electrice_veloteca_test_mtb Almost all electric bicycles with pedal assistance levels allow adjusting engine power in accordance with the pedaling, even ten steps with assistance. The simplest form of assistance is called cadence sensor system that provides only the amount of power chosen by the user, regardless of the difficulty that keeps rhythm selected. More elaborate systems analyze cadence, torque and speed and they vary depending on the induced power to keep moving on user defined parameters. Basically, a variable pitch, the engine generated power decreases or increases depending on the up or down. This constant power mode (the throttle assist mode) operate as a conventional engine that generates power once activated indicated by the user, without taking into account the speed or if the user is riding or not. Basically, the mechanism is similar to an accelerator lever mounted on the handlebar or may have acted as a button with your finger, with which the user adjusts the engine run. The advantages are obvious, because the starts of the toughest and most demanding areas, you can call the engine without being tied pedaling, but this comes at the cost of higher battery consumption. Also, in different countries or regions, such electric bicycles are subject to strict regulation, so you may need special permit or approvals to use. Finally, more and more models of e-bikes sites offer both modes either by coupling / decoupling one or by triggering mode 'throttle' special button once activated. POWER, AND BATTERY AUTONOMY Manufacturers will often provide estimates of autonomy different models of electric bicycles, but these are approximations and battery level can be influenced by various factors related to use. You weigh, how much is riding this difference in height of the route, tire pressure and how loaded is cycling are all factors that will influence how much does the battery. Even with the same user on the same route, the battery can last more or less depending on wind direction and speed. Ambient temperature is a key factor in Battery life ... There is no standard system for determining the exact battery autonomy, similar to the fuel consumption of cars, but having some basic knowledge of certain parameters will allow anyone to assess about how it can rely on battery power. bicicleta_electrica_test POWER engines are classified according to the number of watts. Normally, electric bikes have engines from 250W to 1200W, and with as much power, the greater will be the power consumption. Further, some relevant characteristics: Voltage / battery voltage is measured in volts - indicates the potential power of the battery. A higher number of volts provides greater power and typical values ​​are 24V, 36V and 48V. Battery capacity is expressed in Ah (ampere hour) and approximates in Wh. Amp / hour - indicates the number of ampere can be generated in one hour, and usually this value varies between 8 Ah to 20 Ah. Watt / hour - indicates the power stored in the battery calculated in watts / hour. It is obtained by multiplying the voltage of the amp / hour. Typically, an electric bicycle will consume somewhere between 8:16 watts / hour per kilometer, the amount varying by factors described in the initial paragraph of this chapter. So, calculating the number of watts / hour and handing it to estimate watts / km can get a realistic estimate of autonomy. ebike_teste_veloteca A battery of 400 watts / hour on a flat terrain where it consumes 8 watts / hour per kilometer will have a range of 50 km (400Wh / 8Wh / km = 50 km), after which it will be completely depleted. The example above is just one example ... and a route rarely be perfectly flat in zero wind conditions so that the reality facsimile calculation, so taking a margin of error can be a wise decision. Manufacturers do not always publish this information fully with presentation brochures, but being aware of the voltage and the number of amp / hour remaining value can be deducted. It also recommends some testing on different types of land for a clearer idea of ​​energy. The most advanced systems provide a real-time estimation of autonomy, even with the option to display the distance that can still drive by the battery. With this amount of information available, it becomes increasingly unlikely that the user will run out of power unexpectedly. BATTERY / BATTERIES In terms of batteries, most electric bikes use lead-based batteries or lithium, while nickel is losing ground fast. The most popular at present are those of lithium. Lead - Lead batteries are the most affordable and the most widespread in the world of electric bicycles. Their duration of use is reduced if the discharge is frequently used to the full, and their weight is a disadvantage. Can be almost 6 times heavier than lithium. Nickel-cadmium - batteries, nickel-cadmium (NiCad) and those of NiMH batteries are much lighter and have longer battery life as the lead, but just as polluting the environment as they are, so that environmental regulations have discouraged powerful their use. NiCd batteries were banned from trading in the EU, all NiCd NiMH batteries that cadmium was replaced with a metal hydride and thus was eliminated the memory effect of NiCd bateriilot. No NiMH batteries are not 'holy' and this is the reason w are undesired. An intermediate are considering a storage capacity / mass unit.


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